About NVIDIA presentation or small trick how to do a better data visualization

Dmytro Kisil
2 min readAug 23, 2018
Looking very nice, yes?

Few days ago NVIDIA presented a new generation of GPU. But I want talking today about data visualization. When you finish reading, answer the question: “Which of these charts will I show the public and investors?”

At the first plot you see, how much more better new generation in comparison with previous. In average new GPU really provide a smooth picture at the 4K resolution and give the opportunity to play in 60 frames per second.

And now, please take a look at the second plot:

Yes, wait, is this the same thing? You are right, the graph is built on the same data. And while both plots look a little different? The first comparison is shown in quantitative criterion, the second — as a percentage.

That`s why NVIDIA on presentation give anyone plot that looking so similar to plot №2. Small notice: I was create those plots from scratch today in plotly package with Python3 based on data from official pictures from NVIDIA:

Such this

Thanks for attention and have a nice day!=)

