What I learned after completing pet-project during one weekendFrom forming an idea to ready for users serviceJul 8, 2020Jul 8, 2020
Example of keras prediction in 5 python web frameworksand Flask as example and started pointDec 14, 2019Dec 14, 2019
Install Tensorflow 2.* with GPU support on Ubuntu 19.10Quick installation guideDec 8, 201910Dec 8, 201910
Published inTDS ArchivePosition monitor detector (build with opencv on python3)As I am nearsighted, I always looking for a way to control distance from eyes to monitorSep 2, 20191Sep 2, 20191
Published inTDS ArchiveBot realtime object detection in Overwatch on Ubuntu 18.04Here you will see how to recognize objects on your gameplayMay 12, 2019May 12, 2019
Install Tensorflow 1.13 on Ubuntu 18.04 with GPU supportNote: This article is not for building from source because 1.13 already support the CUDA 10.0 and CuDNN 7.5. Also here you cannot found…Mar 15, 201919Mar 15, 201919
About NVIDIA presentation or small trick how to do a better data visualizationFew days ago NVIDIA presented a new generation of GPU. But I want talking today about data visualization. When you finish reading, answer…Aug 23, 2018Aug 23, 2018
Install and configure monitoring tool in Ubuntu 18.04Worked well on Ubuntu 18.04Jun 29, 2018Jun 29, 2018
Install Tensorflow 1.9.0 with GPU from source on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic BeaverNote: This is updated version of my previous article. Differences are in updated bazel and Tensorflow version (check step 12). CUDA, NCCL…Jun 28, 20182Jun 28, 20182
Install Tensorflow 1.8.0 with GPU from source on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic BeaverWhen I first put Linux, the first thing I wanted to do was install the Tensorflow GPUJun 28, 201815Jun 28, 201815